SwapJar Private Beta Launched

I've been working on SwapJar for a while, so now it is in private beta testing. Invites are being sent out, and you can signup to be invited now.

I guess I should explain what SwapJar is...

SwapJar Logo

SwapJar (https://swapjar.nz/) is a collectables trading service. You send in your spare collectables and you get sent back the ones you need. Complete your sets faster and easier. The initial focus …

Py3progress 2014 and 2015

I haven't done an update about py3progress in a couple of years, so here goes.


Overall the year has been very positive for Python 3 support. The year started with a number of Python 2 only packages falling out of the top 200. There was also quite a few packages going Python 3 compatible. Toward the end of the year, we have three packages mark themselves as Python 2 …

Site rebuilt in Wagtail

So I have refreshed this site a bit. It's still Django, but using Wagtail and Puput instead of flatpages and my own blog app. It's a lot nicer to use.

I hope I haven't broken anything. If you find something missing please let me know.